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Olivia a fashion design who works in a high end fashion studio and loves what she does. Since she has been working there, a wardrobe has been in the studio and has never been open but one day it magically appears open and she is brought into a magazine and she works her way through the decades. Each page turn, it’s a new decade and it starts off in the 90s. The animation will be shown of something that relates to the year.

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  • Jodie - Project Manager/ designer/ Story/ Magazine creator 

  • Kelly - Designer/ Story

  • Pamela - Audio/Story 

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The Beginning

Logo Design

We first drafted out some ideas of logos and logo designs



We brainstormed each year or however we like to planned out the years and this would be an example.

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Draft Logos

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Final Logo

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LOGO final.png
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Draft Characters

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Final Characters 

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Magazine Story Plots

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Each person was giving a year they had to design for and once we had our story plot done then we could move on to the designing part of the magazine.

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90s - Jodie

A Royal Split, the story between Charles and Diana and her fabulous revenge dress! Go into detail about the deforce and story and give a background and then have Olivia in the revenge dress and having looking like Diana.

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yule ball char.jpg

2000 - Jodie

The Yule Ball, Hogwarts Theme. wanted this to be based around Hermione Grange ball dress which was so stunning. Basically talk about the ball and explain it and then have Olivia in the dress but have it in a different cut in some sort of way.

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2010 - Pamela

Olivia is a fashion designer since she was aged about 16 years her dream was always to open her own fashion clothes shop. She got her first order in her bedroom , she didn’t think off anything off with it and clothes were very popular. She was looking down the street and she see a shop up for sale all sudden she had an idea what if I opened up my own fashion clothes shop and name it Olivia Boutique.

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2020 - Kelly

The 2020 theme was a virtual runway because of Covid-19, nothing can be done in person at the moment. The style of the magazine is modern and in a weird type of way. We will have animals in humans clothes and then have Olivia on the runway with an animation included.

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Final Magazine

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2 Minute Documentary's


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